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Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda

Orthodontic Treatments for Kids & Teens

The majority of patients who go through orthodontic treatments are teenagers; most children or teenagers start their orthodontic treatments around 12 or 13 years old.

This is an excellent time to start orthodontic treatments as all of the teeth would have fully erupted and are situated in the place they are likely to stay. Occasionally the Orthodontist may choose to start orthodontic treatment before this age, but this will be dependent on the individual case, and a separate referral may be required.

If you are concerned that your child may need to start early orthodontics treatment or have worries about their tooth alignment, don’t hesitate to contact Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda, and we will be happy to assist.

Name: Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda
Address: Suite 2, Wheaton Hall Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 A40Y, Ireland
Phone: +35318786999
email: info@frederickdentaldrogheda.comYouTube:
Name: Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda
Address: Suite 2, Wheaton Hall Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 A40Y, Ireland
Phone: +35318786999
email: info@frederickdentaldrogheda.comYouTube:
Orthodontic Treatments for Kids & Teens

Effect on School and Social lives

Here at Frederick Orthodontics, we understand that having braces fitted is a big event in young teenagers’ lives, and we do our utmost to make it a comfortable and easy transition. However, it is understandable that teenagers may feel self-conscious about having braces fitted. Because of this here at Frederick Orthodontic Clinic we offer a range of options to suit the individual needs of our patients.

Along with the appearance of the braces, the amount of care required can be overwhelming, and commitment to excellent oral hygiene is needed for the success of the treatment. Therefore, we provide the tools and knowledge necessary to help you as much as we can.

Oral hygiene is essential; brushing is required after every meal because food can get trapped around and in the brackets. In addition, when the teeth experience prolonged exposure to foods and the sugars they contain, the sugars start to eat away at the enamel, causing erosion and decay. Brushing after you eat is difficult whilst at school. However, it is essential, at the very least, you should try to rinse with water after eating and brush your teeth when you can.

What to look out for

Does my child need Orthodontic Treatment?

It is important to keep an eye on your child and see if you spot any symptoms which may highlight that they may need treatment

Treatment options available to Kids & Teens

As with adult orthodontics, kids and teens have options for their treatments too. The options available will depend on their case, which you can discuss with your orthodontists. These options include:

These traditional braces use a metal bracket glued to the teeth, and a metal wire attached to the brackets and tightened to move the teeth. Depending on the case, bands may also be used. These small elastic rings attach the brackets on the upper or lower to help pull the jaw into the correct place.

Similar to the above, they use the same mechanisms to move the teeth into the desired location; however, instead of noticeable metal brackets and wires, porcelain, plastic or ceramic brackets are used in conjunction with a clear wire.

This type of aligner is not commonly used on teenagers or children who are having orthodontic treatments, but it can be. The method uses a series of aligners that gradually move the teeth into the desired locations. Attachments made out of composite (tooth-coloured filling material) are glued to the teeth to help move them into the correct alignment. Often interproximal reduction is required to reduce the size of the teeth and make space for the teeth to move.

Name: Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda
Address: Suite 2, Wheaton Hall Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 A40Y, Ireland
Phone: +35318786999
email: info@frederickdentaldrogheda.comYouTube:

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Case Studies
Name: Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda
Address: Suite 2, Wheaton Hall Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 A40Y, Ireland
Phone: +35318786999
email: info@frederickdentaldrogheda.comYouTube:
What Age to start Treatment

Early Orthodontic Treatment

01. Benefits of Early Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment can have a number of benefits, including enhanced self-confidence and an aesthetic appearance for the child.

In addition to this it is likely that early intervention will lead in proper jaw growth as well aligned teeth, reduced risk for cavities, periodontal disease and tooth decay in childhood; less prolonged treatments as an adult! Not only that but these procedures also help prevent speech problems too

02. When can my child begin early orthodontic treatment?

There are three age related stages you can get orthodontic treatment for your child

The goal of early orthodontic treatment is to provide enough space for permanent teeth. Good candidates include children who have difficulty biting properly, lose baby teeth early or grind their teeth at night

Space maintainers are used during this phase too so kids don’t develop a habit that will affect adult dental health later on down the line (such as bruxing). The dentist may also prescribe one type deep bite appliances which promote jaw growth and prevent your child’s thumb sucking or other bad habits

Middle dentition treatments are the first step in fixing misaligned jaws and starting to realign crooked teeth. This marks an optimal time for children who have severe malocclusions, as their soft tissues are still pliable enough that they can be “repaired” without too much difficulty or pain.

The dentist can provide a child with dental appliances that will help them maintain their teeth and prevent future problems. Some of these are fixed, while others are removable.

Though many parents think of orthodontic treatment for their adolescents, it is actually a great choice for younger children as well. The goals and objectives in both cases include straightening out teeth from the permanent set to improve smile aesthetics- all before adulthood!

The treatments here are metal braces, clear braces, invisible aligners with potential arch expanders if necessary.

Treatment Process

Once you feel ready to explore your orthodontic treatment options, book an initial consultation with our team at Frederick Orthodontic Clinic. During this initial consultation, we will listen to your concerns and discuss the options that we have available to treat your misalignments. We will listen to your ideal outcomes and assess your current situation. You will be provided with a complete examination to check your oral health.

If you find yourself wanting to know the options for dental alignment, then the first step will be to book an initial consultation with one of our specialists. They will help guide and assess you to see your suitability for the treatment and the best treatment options.

During this appointment, you will also have your oral hygiene and dental health assessed. It is important to have any required treatment before starting your orthodontic journey. Depending on the case, you may be required to have some teeth removed (called extraction); this is done to make space for teeth that may currently be crowded.

When you have had time to think about your options and you are ready to commit to the process of having your braces, we will carry out any work, such as fillings or cleaning, before your treatment starts. At this stage, you may also require some teeth to be removed, this is common practice in orthodontics and allows space to be created for your teeth to move into during your treatment.

During your record-taking appointment, you will have several x-rays taken, smaller intraoral x-rays and a larger panoramic x-ray. These x-rays are used to plan your treatment and record the starting point. Along with the x-rays, we will also take some clinical photos and moulds of your teeth. Once this first appointment has been completed, you will be presented with your treatment plan, and your Orthodontist will explain the process of having your braces fitted.

Now it is time to have your braces fitted! Your Orthodontist will start by placing a cheek retractor to hold your lips and cheek out of the way. They will then place special conditioning gel on each tooth; this allows the bonding material to stick to the tooth. This gel will then be washed away with water, and the cement will be placed onto the tooth; the bracket will then be placed on top. This process is then repeated on each tooth. Once all the teeth have the brackets placed, the Orthodontist will cut a piece of wire to the size of the mouth, attaching it to the brackets. At this stage, the Orthodontist may also place some small elastic bands on the back teeth attaching one side to the upper and one side to the lower, this assists with the correct placement of the jaw.


During the appointment, the Orthodontist will discuss your current oral hygiene routine and how this can be improved to suit the needs of your new braces. This appointment will usually last around 2 hours.

During your follow-up appointments, your orthodontist will check your treatment progress and make adjustments when required. The adjustments are likely to be made by removing the wire and placing a smaller wire which will gently pull the teeth into the desired location.


You are likely to have one of these appointments every 4-8 weeks for the duration of your treatment, which can span 18-24 months.

You’ve finally made it to your end appointment, and you are ready to have your braces removed! During this appointment, the wire connecting your brace will be removed, and each individual bracket will be gently removed from your teeth. The brackets will leave some residue behind, which your Orthodontist will remove with a small drill. This appointment will not normally take very long, and you should be done within the hour!

During your final appointment, your Orthodontist will explain the aftercare required to keep your new smile healthy. This will include the use of either a fixed retainer or a removable retainer. Fixed retainers are small metal wires attached to the inside of your teeth, holding them in place. If this is required, it will be fitted on your last appointment. If your Orthodontist feels that you will benefit from the use of a removable retainer, then an impression or scan of your teeth will be made to produce a custom tray, which should be worn overnight.

A robust oral hygiene routine is critical for the success of the orthodontic treatment; your dentist will help instruct you on how to floss correctly, use interdental aids and brush effectively whilst wearing your braces. As well as interdental cleaning and brushing with a round-headed electric toothbrush, you may also be shown a single tuft toothbrush which will help clean around the brackets.

If you do not brush effectively around these brackets, plaque can build up, leading to acid erosion or decay. If this happens when the brackets are removed, you may be left with white or brown patches where the brackets were attached.

Name: Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda
Address: Suite 2, Wheaton Hall Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 A40Y, Ireland
Phone: +35318786999
email: info@frederickdentaldrogheda.comYouTube:
Treated over


Great orthodontics. Very Happy.

Junior Duarte Avatar Junior Duarte
September 9, 2020
Name: Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda
Address: Suite 2, Wheaton Hall Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 A40Y, Ireland
Phone: +35318786999
email: info@frederickdentaldrogheda.comYouTube:
Name: Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda
Address: Suite 2, Wheaton Hall Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 A40Y, Ireland
Phone: +35318786999
email: info@frederickdentaldrogheda.comYouTube:
Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda

Advantages of Early Orthodontic Treatments for Kids & Teens

If you think your child may need some orthodontic treatment, then bring them in for an evaluation as soon as possible, the sooner the treatment starts the better


Early orthodontic treatment for kids can help reduce the need for more invasive procedures later on.

Improved Health

Orthodontic treatment at an early age helps children have straighter teeth and improves their overall dental health and general health, breathing, sleeping and development

Less Expensive

Early orthodontic treatment is often less expensive and time consuming than treatment later on in life.

We offer a FREE Orthodontic Consultations

Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda

Real Life Case Studies

We help you get that smile you always dreamed of

Frederick Orthodontic Clinic Drogheda

Alternative Treatment Options

Book a consultation today with one of our team, who will be happy to discuss these options with you in-depth, and assess your suitability for orthodontics. Further information on each of these options are available on our website.

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Our Prices

Affordable Prices

How much do Orthodontic Treatments for Kids & Teens Cost?

We help you get that smile you always dreamed of

Payment Plans Available

€650 Deposit The remaining balance should be paid over 12 to 16 months by standing order.

Tax Deductable

All of the above is Tax deductable at up to 20% depending on tax credits
Orthodontic Treatments for Kids & Teens Drogheda

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